What is Website Optimization?

Website optimization is the process of improving your website’s performance across various areas, such as web traffic, conversion rates, and usability. Although you can have many KPIs and goals for your optimization efforts, the main objective of website optimization is to ensure your website creates a smooth digital journey.

Benefits of Website Optimization:

  • Increase traffic: Optimizing your website’s content and technical SEO makes it easier for people to find your content organically through search engines.
  • Increase revenue via conversions: With increased traffic also comes increased chances of potential leads converting into buying customers. And by optimizing your content quality, you create a prime experience that will nurture customers and leads alike.
  • Improve brand visibility and brand awareness: Another benefit of increased traffic is that it gives you more opportunities to showcase your brand and connect with the right audience through relevant content.
  • Improve brand reputation and brand experience: With consistent, people-first experiences on your website, you also improve your brand’s reputation. Your website is an extension of your brand, so a positive experience on your website can help you gain loyal customers.
  • Web accessibility compliance: In the U.S., there was a 23% increase in lawsuits related to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Future-proof your website from possible legal risks related to web accessibility with regular accessibility audits.

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